Highway Traffic Statistics

Highway Traffic Data for South East Saskatchewan


Highways in south east Saskatchewan receive a substantial amount of traffic on a daily basis. The south east region has a very high quality, well-maintained network of roads.

The largest volume of goods transported on highways in the southeast are oil, petroleum, gas products, and grain commodities. Long haul trucking is very prevalent along the Highway #39 corridor which feeds north to Moose Jaw and Regina, Saskatchewan. General freight, dangerous goods and commodities of all types travel this route.

Weigh stations located in Estevan and Weyburn monitor daily commercial traffic in the south east region. Stations monitor not only the weight of commercial transports, but the licensing of drivers and vehicles, driver’s logs, the road-worthiness of vehicles, and the commodities being shipped. Penalties and citations are issued for not complying with the Highway Standards Regulations. For more information on transportation compliance in the south east region and the Province of Saskatchewan, contact the Transport Compliance Board at 1 (306) 933-5290 or online at

Highways in the province, as well as the south east region itself, consist of primary highways, secondary highways and grid roads.

  • Primary highways are the highest weight rated roadway in the province and can carry up to 16 per cent greater weights than secondary weight highways. For commercial vehicles this means a maximum weight of 63,500 kilograms (137,788 pounds). Vehicles can travel on primary highways 12 months a year. Primary highways are paved and maintained asphalt thoroughfares.

  • Secondary Highways are allowed to carry weight not exceeding 54,500 kilometres (120,151 pounds). Unless classified as a primary highway, designated highway, municipal highway (municipally-owned primary highways), or grid road, all highways are considered secondary in nature. Secondary highways perform an important function in rural south east Saskatchewan by feeding the main primary arteries in the region. Most secondary highways in south east Saskatchewan are maintained asphalt paved roads.

  • Grid roads are a municipal road system that follows a grid line established by the original survey of the area. Originally mapped by provincial surveyors, the Saskatchewan grid road system is based on a grid of roads running east/west every mile (1.6 kilometres) and north/south every two miles (3.2 kilometres). Grid roads are normally surfaced with dirt or a combination dirt and gravel.

Twelve Highway Transportation Planning Committees have been established in Saskatchewan. These committees establish policy and directives for the development and maintenance of highways, bridges and infrastructure within a set jurisdiction. The committees often lobby the Saskatchewan Government for improvements of highways. Two Transportation Planning Committees operate within south east Saskatchewan.


East Central Area Transportation Planning Committee (ECATPC)

ECATPC covers a blocked area in southeast Saskatchewan from the southeast corner of the province in the Rural Municipality of Gainsborough #1 to the northwest and Rural Municipality of Weyburn #66, including the Rural Municipality of Kipling #124.

  • Contact: Gary Kayter, Chairperson
    Box 280
    Dysart, SK S0G 1H0
    Telephone: (306) 432-2141
    Facsimile: (306) 432-2265

Central Area Transportation Planning Committee (CATPC)

CATPC covers the west end of the southeast Saskatchewan region in a block that runs from the Rural Municipality of Cambria #7 in the southeast to the Rural Municipality of Scott #98.

  • Contact: Larry Sommerfeld, Chairperson
    Box 117
    Allan, SK S0K 0C0
    Telephone: (306) 257-3521
    Facsimile: (306) 257-3913
  • Average daily commercial traffic on highways in south east Saskatchewan ranges from 330 vehicles to 725 vehicle, depending on the road and the season. This equates to approximately 192,538 commercial transport vehicles a year travelling on south east Saskatchewan highways.


Saskatchewan Department of Highways, 2010

Southeast Saskatchewan Region Highway Traffic Data per Highway

Provincial highway traffic data is collected annually for all primary highways in Saskatchewan. There are twelve primary highways in the south east Saskatchewan region. The table below divides each of these highways into segments. It lists the total number of kilometres in each segment, the average annual daily traffic on each segment (AADT09), and the Truck Annual Average Daily Traffic (TAADT09). The total for each of these figures is listed in the bottom row for each highway.


From To Kilometres AADT09 TAADT09
Highway #6 U.S. Border North Junction Highway #18 16.43 278 113
(North/South) North Junction Highway #18 Junction Highway #13 55.49 444 160

Jct Highway #13 East Junction Highway #39 43.20 720 190

Total Distance/Average Daily Traffic 115 481 154
Highway #8 U.S. Border Junction Highway #18 19.86 235 35
(North/South) Junction Highway #18 Highway #13 45.62 460 60

Highway #13 Highway #48 34.04 237 35

Total Distance/Average Daily Traffic 100 311 43
Highway #9 U.S. Border Junction Highway #18 26.78 225 58
(North/South) Junction Highway #18 Highway #361 19.42 1437 270

Highway #361 West Junction Highway #13 27.48 2118 303

West Jct Highway #13 Carlyle Lake Resort Access 12.87 2477 170

Carlyle Lake Resort Access North Junction Highway #48 30.60 1365 170

Total Distance/Average Daily Traffic 117 1524 194
Highway #13 Manitoba Border Highway #8 19.71 897 207
(East/West) Highway #8 Highway #9 42.33 1472 330

Highway #9 Highway #47 54.48 2440 340

Highway #47 Weyburn 27.57 1696 316

Weyburn Highway #28 32.14 1654 188

Highway #28 Highway #6 22.84 655 120

Highway #6 Pangman 4.36 810 120

Total Distance/Average Daily Traffic 203 1375 232
Highway #18 Manitoba Border Highway #8 19.57 757 110
(East/West) Highway #8 Carnduff 12.36 1463 160

Carnduff Oxbow 41.46 1611 263

Oxbow Jct Highway #9 6.59 2270 340

Jct Highway #9 Estevan 44.11 2254 298

Estevan Highway #350 38.25 903 93

Highway #350 Highway #35 22.76 310 60

Highway #35 Highway #28 29.26 195 50

Highway #28 North Junction Highway #6 27.95 170 40

Total Distance/Average Daily Traffic 242 1104 157
Highway #28 Highway #18 Highway #13 59.88 389 55
(North/South) Total Distance/Average Daily Traffic 60 389 55
Highway #33 Highway #47 Highway #35 77.26 1128 154
(Northwest) Total Distance/Average Daily Traffic 77 1128 154
Highway #35 U.S. Border Highway #18 16.22 137 60
(North/South) Highway #18 Weyburn 57.52 825 162

Weyburn Highway #33 48.30 1045 104

Total Distance/Average Daily Traffic 122 669 109
Highway #39 U.S. Border Highway #18 - Bienfait 26.96 1270 531
(Northwest) Highway #18 - Bienfait Estevan 9.54 4673 628

Estevan Midale 48.13 3245 654

Midale Weyburn - Junction #35 44.24 3123 585

Weyburn - Junction #35 Lang 20.07 5097 764

Lang North Junction Highway #6 24.58 3498 845

Total Distance/Average Daily Traffic 174 3484 668
Highway #47 U.S. Border Estevan - Junction Highway #39 16.11 1354 81
(North/South) Estevan - Junction Highway #39 Highway #361 26.36 2315 240

Highway #361 Highway #13 32.83 1780 240

Highway #13 Highway #48 56.23 1108 105

Total Distance/Average Daily Traffic 132 1639 167
Highway #48 Manitoba Border Highway #8 18.97 557 55
(East/West) Highway #8 South Junction Highway #9 44.74 683 60

South Junction Highway #9 Highway #47 57.89 921 48

Total Distance/Average Daily Traffic 122 720 54
Highway #361 Manitoba Border Storthoaks 15.55 77 15
(East/West) Storthoaks Highway #8 3.28 310 35

Highway #8 Highway #9 47.68 221 61

Highway #9 Highway #47 52.36 845 123

Total Distance/Average Daily Traffic
1453 234

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